ESG Initiatives

In order to meet the demands and expectations of our wide range of stakeholders, we have identified “materiality” (key issues). We aim to achieve our mission of “making construction sites desirable places to work” through the promotion of ESG- and sustainability-oriented management over the medium to long term.

MaterialityIdentification Process


Narrowing down
the relevant issues

By incorporating the opinions of outside experts, (*1) in addition to international guidelines (*2) and the requirements of external ESG evaluation organizations (*3), we have identified 14 items as "materiality factors" based on the recognition of issues of concern to the construction, IT, and human resource service industries.


Prioritizing issues

For the 14 materiality elements identified in STEP 1, we evaluated Sukedachi’s current response efforts. Issues were prioritized based on two criteria: the level of importance to stakeholders based on their expectations and requests, and the level of importance to Sukedachi based on the nature of our business.


Identification of

Based on the results of the evaluation and prioritization of the response measures in STEP 2, after discussion among management members, and taking into consideration consistency with our business strategy and other factors, Sukedachi’s vision and values were summarized into nine materialities.

  1. *1 Evaluation Office, Sustainable Impact Promotion Department, Shinsei Bank, Limited / Japan Impact Investment II Investment Limited Partnership "Hataraku Fund" / MPower Partners Fund
  2. *2 International guidelines, etc.: ISO26000, SDGs, SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board), Materiality Finder
  3. *3 External ESG assessment requirements: MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International), ESG Industry Materiality Map, DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices)

On-site Initiatives and Future Plans

We are currently undertaking the following initiatives to address the materialities we have identified. In order to develop these initiatives further, we will work on them from a medium- to long-term perspective, starting with the highest-priority materialities.


Promotion of a paperless workplace

We have a general policy of not using paper documents for internal meetings. In addition, we promote the use of paperless documents outside the company through the introduction of electronic contracts and electronic invoices.

Encouraging employees to live close to the workplace

We encourage our employees to live close to the workplace by providing rent subsidies to those who live within two stations of the nearest station to their office, and more than 30% of our employees are taking advantage of this system.

Response to climate change

We have implemented lighting settings for each area, and are strict about turning off lights. With the support of experts, we will continue to calculate our direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1), as well as indirect emissions (Scope 2) from our use of electricity, heating, and steam supplied by other companies.


External initiatives

Constant efforts to realize our mission of "making construction sites desirable places to work”

Since our company was founded, we have aimed to use technology in our business to solve the problems of construction companies and craftspeople.
Going forward, we will continue to make business investments in order to expand our user base, improve functionality, and increase our match rate.

Internal initiatives

Promotion of diversity

We believe that diversity is the source of our organizational strength, and we provide opportunities for our employees to play an active role regardless of their gender, age, race, or career. For example, as of September 2022, approximately 20% of our employees are women, and we hope to increase this ratio in order to help improve the image of the construction industry as a whole.

Human resource training and development initiatives

By implementing the following initiatives, we are working to create a rewarding work environment for every employee to promote individual growth and enhance human capital.

  • Introduction of an evaluation system based on OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)
  • Implementation of regular 1-on-1 meetings
  • Recognition of actions that align with our values
  • Implementation of rank-based training
  • Establishment of Human resource development within the Human Resources Department
Data security

We believe that the source of strength of the Sukedachi platform is the data we have accumulated on craftspeople and construction companies.
The proper management and protection of this data is an important responsibility of a platform operator, and we have acquired privacy marks. We will continue to create and invest in systems that help improve data security.


Board of Directors meetings

The Company's Board of Directors generally meets once a month and, as our management's highest decision-making body, makes resolutions on matters related to important initiatives in accordance with laws, regulations, and our Articles of Incorporation. In addition, most business decisions are made by the Executive Committee (which generally meets once a week), and the Board of Directors also functions as a supervisory body for such decision-making and the execution of business.
In order to provide objective and diverse perspectives for this supervision and decision-making role, two of our five Directors are Outside Directors.

Corporate Auditors' Committee meetings

The company has established a Corporate Auditors' Committee to ensure, from a third-party perspective, that the Company's directors make sound business decisions and execute their duties.
The Corporate Auditors' Committee is made up of two members, one of whom is a full-time auditor and the other part-time. The Company plans to appoint one new part-time auditor and establish a Board of Corporate Auditors in the future.